Browse Items (10 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Role 1 is exactly "son" Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Marble tomb plaque of Ioses Sarcophagus of Justus and Archelais from Neapolis (NEA0001) 2nd-3rd c. CE Ossuary with an Aramaic inscription for the son of Mariam from Jerusalem (JLM0056) 1st c. BCE-1st c. CE Ossuary with Aramaic inscriptions for Hananiya and Maria from Jerusalem (JLM0146) 1st c. BCE-1st c. CE Ossuary with Aramaic inscription for Pinhas, mentioning his mother, from Jerusalem (JLM0116) 1st c. BCE-1st c. CE Tomb of Zenon, the son of Balys and Megale, from Gaza (GAZ0112) 505 AD Greek inscription on a mosaic for Victor and Salamtha from Jabaliya (JAB0106) 5th-6th c. CE Epitaph for Octavius Proclus, set up by his mother Flavia Fuscina at Bostra (BOS0116) Dedicatory inscription for statues dedicated to Theos Arabikos and an unknown additional god (GER0108) 145/146 CE Tombstone of the family Publius Aelius Augustus (GER0202) mid-2nd c. CE Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2